/* =================================================================== * Howdy - Main JS * * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function($) { "use strict"; var cfg = { defAnimation : "fadeInUp", // default css animation scrollDuration : 800, // smoothscroll duration statsDuration : 4000 // stats animation duration }, $WIN = $(window); /* Preloader * -------------------------------------------------- */ var ssPreloader = function() { $WIN.on('load', function() { // force page scroll position to top at page refresh $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'normal'); // will first fade out the loading animation $("#loader").fadeOut("slow", function(){ // will fade out the whole DIV that covers the website. $("#preloader").delay(300).fadeOut("slow"); }); }); }; /* FitVids ------------------------------------------------------ */ var ssFitVids = function() { $(".fluid-video-wrapper").fitVids(); }; /* Masonry ------------------------------------------------------ */ var ssMasonryFolio = function() { var containerBricks = $('.bricks-wrapper'); containerBricks.imagesLoaded( function() { containerBricks.masonry( { itemSelector: '.brick', resize: true }); }); }; /* Light Gallery ------------------------------------------------------- */ var ssLightGallery = function() { $('#folio-wrap').lightGallery({ showThumbByDefault: false, hash: false, selector: ".item-wrap" }); }; /* Menu on Scrolldown * ------------------------------------------------------ */ var ssMenuOnScrolldown = function() { var menuTrigger = $('#header-menu-trigger'); $WIN.on('scroll', function() { if ($WIN.scrollTop() > 150) { menuTrigger.addClass('opaque'); } else { menuTrigger.removeClass('opaque'); } }); }; /* OffCanvas Menu * ------------------------------------------------------ */ var ssOffCanvas = function() { var menuTrigger = $('#header-menu-trigger'), nav = $('#menu-nav-wrap'), closeButton = nav.find('.close-button'), siteBody = $('body'), mainContents = $('section, footer'); // open-close menu by clicking on the menu icon menuTrigger.on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); menuTrigger.toggleClass('is-clicked'); siteBody.toggleClass('menu-is-open'); }); // close menu by clicking the close button closeButton.on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); menuTrigger.trigger('click'); }); // close menu clicking outside the menu itself siteBody.on('click', function(e){ if( !$(e.target).is('#menu-nav-wrap, #header-menu-trigger, #header-menu-trigger span') ) { menuTrigger.removeClass('is-clicked'); siteBody.removeClass('menu-is-open'); } }); }; /* Smooth Scrolling * ------------------------------------------------------ */ var ssSmoothScroll = function() { $('.smoothscroll').on('click', function (e) { var target = this.hash, $target = $(target); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $('html, body').stop().animate({ 'scrollTop': $target.offset().top }, cfg.scrollDuration, 'swing').promise().done(function () { // check if menu is open if ($('body').hasClass('menu-is-open')) { $('#header-menu-trigger').trigger('click'); } window.location.hash = target; }); }); }; /* Placeholder Plugin Settings * ------------------------------------------------------ */ var ssPlaceholder = function() { $('input, textarea, select').placeholder(); }; /* Stat Counter *------------------------------------------------------- */ var ssStatCounter = function() { var statSection = $("#stats"), stats = $(".stat-count"); statSection.waypoint({ handler: function(direction) { if (direction === "down") { stats.each(function () { var $this = $(this); $({ Counter: 0 }).animate({ Counter: $this.text() }, { duration: cfg.statsDuration, easing: 'swing', step: function (curValue) { $this.text(Math.ceil(curValue)); } }); }); } // trigger once only this.destroy(); }, offset: "90%" }); }; /* Alert Boxes ------------------------------------------------------- */ var ssAlertBoxes = function() { $('.alert-box').on('click', '.close', function() { $(this).parent().fadeOut(500); }); }; /* Animations * ------------------------------------------------------- */ var ssAnimations = function() { if (!$("html").hasClass('no-cssanimations')) { $('.animate-this').waypoint({ handler: function(direction) { var defAnimationEfx = cfg.defAnimation; if ( direction === 'down' && !$(this.element).hasClass('animated')) { $(this.element).addClass('item-animate'); setTimeout(function() { $('body .animate-this.item-animate').each(function(ctr) { var el = $(this), animationEfx = el.data('animate') || null; if (!animationEfx) { animationEfx = defAnimationEfx; } setTimeout( function () { el.addClass(animationEfx + ' animated'); el.removeClass('item-animate'); }, ctr * 50); }); }, 100); } // trigger once only this.destroy(); }, offset: '95%' }); } }; /* Intro Animation * ------------------------------------------------------- */ var ssIntroAnimation = function() { $WIN.on('load', function() { if (!$("html").hasClass('no-cssanimations')) { setTimeout(function(){ $('.animate-intro').each(function(ctr) { var el = $(this), animationEfx = el.data('animate') || null; if (!animationEfx) { animationEfx = cfg.defAnimation; } setTimeout( function () { el.addClass(animationEfx + ' animated'); }, ctr * 300); }); }, 100); } }); }; /* Contact Form * ------------------------------------------------------ */ var ssContactForm = function() { /* local validation */ $('#contactForm').validate({ /* submit via ajax */ submitHandler: function(form) { var sLoader = $('#submit-loader'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "inc/sendEmail.php", data: $(form).serialize(), beforeSend: function() { sLoader.fadeIn(); }, success: function(msg) { // Message was sent if (msg == 'OK') { sLoader.fadeOut(); $('#message-warning').hide(); $('#contactForm').fadeOut(); $('#message-success').fadeIn(); } // There was an error else { sLoader.fadeOut(); $('#message-warning').html(msg); $('#message-warning').fadeIn(); } }, error: function() { sLoader.fadeOut(); $('#message-warning').html("Something went wrong. Please try again."); $('#message-warning').fadeIn(); } }); } }); }; /* Back to Top * ------------------------------------------------------ */ var ssBackToTop = function() { var pxShow = 500, // height on which the button will show fadeInTime = 400, // how slow/fast you want the button to show fadeOutTime = 400, // how slow/fast you want the button to hide scrollSpeed = 300, // how slow/fast you want the button to scroll to top. can be a value, 'slow', 'normal' or 'fast' goTopButton = $("#go-top") // Show or hide the sticky footer button $(window).on('scroll', function() { if ($(window).scrollTop() >= pxShow) { goTopButton.fadeIn(fadeInTime); } else { goTopButton.fadeOut(fadeOutTime); } }); }; /* Initialize * ------------------------------------------------------ */ (function ssInit() { ssPreloader(); ssFitVids(); ssMasonryFolio(); ssLightGallery(); ssMenuOnScrolldown(); ssOffCanvas(); ssSmoothScroll(); ssPlaceholder(); ssStatCounter(); ssAlertBoxes(); ssAnimations(); ssIntroAnimation(); ssContactForm(); ssBackToTop(); })(); })(jQuery);